Coming Soon
Coming Soon
We expect to begin construction on three innovative courtyard homes in Lake Park, Florida. The first home, at 721 Bayberry will be a 3 bedroom, 4 bath home with every room opening onto a private courtyard. Each Bedroom will have its own entrance. 9 foot ceilings and ceramic tile floors are included.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Also in Lake Park, FL, we will be building an "Alamo" style home. Inspired by the Spanish architecture of Southern California, it will be located at 719 Bayberry. This is also a 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with a private, interior courtyard. With 9 foot ceilings and ceramic tile throughout, each bedroom has a private entrance and all rooms open into the private courtyard.

Challenge us to transform your dreams into reality
4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths in Lake Park
4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths in Lake Park
At 717 Bayberry Drive in Lake Park, we have designed a "Key West" style home. Another "Courtyard" style home, this one has room for an optional pool. This home is a two story with 2 bedrooms upstairs and 2 bedrooms on the first floor. 9 foot ceilings, and ceramic tile floors make this just one more beautiful living environment.

Building & Design
Building & Design
There are Builders. There are those who sell homes. There are those who design homes. But when the builder begins to understand the homeowner, the ability to create a dream from "bricks and sticks" becomes a reality.
From an understanding of the land, an interpretation of the zoning, and a passion for light and proportion, comes affordable, enjoyable, comfortable living environments.

Call us today: 561-863-1090
Call us today: 561-863-1090
Whether you have just a dream, a piece of land, or completed working drawings, we invite the challenge to make your dreams come true within your budget.
Christopher J. O'Brien, Florida Certified Building Contractor #059109